David Sheffet

Ford Sustainability Project


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Executive Summary

Our team has investigated the effectiveness of Ford Motor Co. Environmental sustainability practices. They continue Henry Ford's history of inventiveness and ground-breaking designs. The business swiftly established itself as a pillar of the American auto industry and has since developed into a multinational American automaker. Despite a general decline in the market, Ford has established increasing levels of profitability and has dominated the American auto sector. In terms of the top vehicle brands overall, the corporation comes in third with a market cap of nearly 50 billion dollars.

Ford utilizes massive manufacturing. These operations are known to create an enormous carbon footprint, so Ford has decided to be an industry leader by investing in cleaner business practices. They were the first car firm to report their sustainability 24 years ago, in 1999, and have found success in reducing their carbon footprint. Ford has ushered in serval initiatives to meet environmental goals such as carbon neutrality in 2050 and 100% use of local renewable energy. The company has allocated billions in capital to the implementation of new manufacturing plants, infrastructure for renewable energy use, and innovative ways to bolster savings. They have announced 3 main sustainability initiatives. Fumes to Fuel, Wind Turbines, and Blue Oval City Campus. For instance, Ford has announced the procurement of enough locally sourced wind power to run all their facilities. Ford has expanded their product line to include electric vehicles and created a BlueOval City Campus in order to meet the demand for these new vehicles while remaining environmentally responsible. While Ford Motor Co. has not always been the industry standard bearer in terms of environmentalism, we will explore the ways in which they are having a positive effect on the environment and ways they could continue to improve in the future.

Ford Sustainability Project Presentation

Ford Sustainability Project Presentation

for correntions, please email dsheffet@gmail.com